Carol W Miller - Massage Information
"I believe that by fostering and encouraging Infant Massage and other cultural traditions which enhance the parent-baby bond and by helping to create more family-centered values in our culture, we will begin to see whole generations expressing more compassion toward and responsibility for their fellow human beings.

I believe in supporting parents in their love for their infants. I believe that babies are aware human beings who deserve respect, tenderness, and warmth, and above all, a listening heart. When we listen to our infants with our hearts, we discover whatever it is that we want to know.

I believe that every parent, regardless of personal philosophy, and every infant, regardless of birth history or disposition, should have the opportunity to experience the lifelong benefits that come from early bonds that are loving, healthy and secure."
International Association of Infant Massage Founder ~ Vimala (Schneider) McClure Author of: Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents, first published in 1982

Getting Started with Infant Massage - Ask Dr. Sears

Infant massage is an activity you do WITH your child, not TO them. It is a wonderful way to connect with your baby and has many health and development benefits. Read more...

My baby is gassy and so when I change him I keep the chart nearby and do the stomach circles. If I add in a few others he gets very still and happy! He also really likes to look at the sheet, and babbles to the baby doll in the pictures! Sarah O. 2020

He has done some knee presses but I don't think more than that...hard to say if it is helping with gas because he still cries for no reason between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m., but I hear that is just the witching hour and he is happy most of the rest of the day. He loves being on the changing table though, definitely in part to looking at the handout and getting some nice tummy rubs! Sarah O. 2020

It was obvious from the very start that my baby loved having a post-bath massage. From his skin health to how easily he falls asleep afterwards, the benefits are so great. He seems to really love his feet being massaged and even though its hard to keep him still now he is mobile, he still is happy and talkative whilst I massage him as best I can. Pam J. 2020