Full Body Baby Massage Quick Start Instructions

Begin with your hands resting lightly on the baby's chest. Get the baby's attention, smile, and relax. Make eye contact and ask permission to begin, "Are you ready for your massage?" Put a few drops of oil on your hands and rub them together to warm. (Click on the smaller images for full screen.)
Click here to download a printable version of these instructions.
All strokes are done slowly, three times in succession.

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1. Use your fingertips to make small circles all around baby's head.

2. With flat fingers, start in the middle of the baby's forehead and glide out to the sides with light pressure.

3. With both hands together at the center of the chest slide out the rib cage toward to their back using light pressure.

4. Milking: hold baby's wrist with one hand, grasp the shoulder with the other. Gently slide toward the wrist. Immediately follow with other hand in a continuous flow. Do both arms equally.

5. With the outside of each hand stroke the abdomen from just below the ribcage, over their tummy avoiding the navel, and ending at the pelvis in a continuous flow.

6. Clock: start with left hand at 8 and circle around the tummy going clockwise. Right hand joins in from 12 to 6 in a continuous flow.

7. Bring knees up to their chest and then gently press them into the tummy. Then pull legs out straight, shaking them gently as you go.

8. Milking: The outside hand starts over the buttock, the inside hand starts inside the thigh and up the leg to the foot. Press the bottom of the foot and toes with your thumb. Do both legs equally.

9. Back: start with both hands together. Move them back and forth in opposite directions while also moving up and down the back and over the shoulders.

Best Conditions for Massage

Resting hands

  • TIME: Baby is quiet and alert. Try before or after a bath, before bed or a nap. Wait awhile if they have recently eaten. When you decide the best time for you and your baby then make it part of your everyday routine.
  • ATMOSPHERE: The room is quiet and warm with low lighting. Baby lays on a blanket or dry towel on a safe surface. Maintain constant eye contact and talk or sing to baby as you massage, or play soft music that relaxes you too.
  • DIAPER: None, if you have a towel or cloth diaper handy to put under or drape over. Leave it on and work around it if you think that's best.
  • CUES: Baby is eager for the massage when you hold out your hands and ask permission. The swishing sound of warming the oil in your hands is also something baby will link to massage. Watch their reactions as you massage them. Keep eye contact.
  • OIL: Creates smooth strokes and lubricates their skin. Make sure it is Organic plant based so if they put an oily hand in their mouth it is okay. Grapeseed oil is non allergenic and has a very light smell and taste. Jojoba oil is best of all. Use just a few drops at a time. Testing for allergies is a good idea.
  • PRESSURE: Just the weight of your relaxed hand is the pressure to use. When doing milking strokes your grip is just enough to hold the limb. Watch their cues and adjust as you go. Do each stroke slowly, three times.